For years there was one reputable way to store info on a personal computer – by using a hard drive (HDD). Nevertheless, this type of technology is currently showing it’s age – hard disks are loud and sluggish; they are power–ravenous and tend to produce a great deal of heat for the duration of serious procedures.

SSD drives, alternatively, are fast, take in way less energy and are much cooler. They provide an innovative approach to file accessibility and storage and are years in advance of HDDs with regard to file read/write speed, I/O performance and power efficacy. See how HDDs stand up up against the modern SSD drives.

1. Access Time


After the arrival of SSD drives, file accessibility rates have gone tremendous. On account of the unique electronic interfaces employed in SSD drives, the normal data access time has been reduced to a all–time low of 0.1millisecond.


HDD drives rely on spinning disks for files storage purposes. When a file will be accessed, you have to wait for the correct disk to reach the right position for the laser beam to reach the file involved. This translates into a common access rate of 5 to 8 milliseconds.

2. Random I/O Performance


Thanks to the exact same revolutionary method that allows for better access times, you can also benefit from better I/O performance with SSD drives. They’re able to complete two times as many procedures within a given time when compared with an HDD drive.

An SSD can handle at the very least 6000 IO’s per second.


With an HDD drive, the I/O performance gradually increases the more you apply the drive. Having said that, just after it extends to a particular restriction, it can’t go quicker. And because of the now–old technology, that I/O restriction is significantly lower than what you might receive having an SSD.

HDD can only go as much as 400 IO’s per second.

3. Reliability


The absence of moving parts and spinning disks inside SSD drives, and the current improvements in electric interface technology have led to a substantially risk–free data storage device, with a common failure rate of 0.5%.


HDD drives implement rotating hard disks for storing and reading through data – a technology going back to the 1950s. With disks magnetically suspended in the air, rotating at 7200 rpm, the possibilities of something failing are much bigger.

The common rate of failure of HDD drives varies between 2% and 5%.

4. Energy Conservation


SSD drives operate practically noiselessly; they don’t create excess heat; they don’t involve more cooling down methods and also take in much less energy.

Trials have established that the normal electric power intake of an SSD drive is somewhere between 2 and 5 watts.


HDD drives can be renowned for getting noisy; they’re more prone to getting hot and when there are several disk drives in a server, you will need an additional a / c device only for them.

As a whole, HDDs take in between 6 and 15 watts.

5. CPU Power


Thanks to SSD drives’ greater I/O efficiency, the main web server CPU can work with file calls much faster and conserve time for different functions.

The normal I/O delay for SSD drives is just 1%.


HDD drives accommodate slower access speeds in comparison with SSDs do, which will result for the CPU being forced to hang around, although reserving allocations for your HDD to find and return the requested file.

The standard I/O wait for HDD drives is around 7%.

6.Input/Output Request Times


Almost all of’s completely new servers are now using solely SSD drives. Each of our tests have shown that using an SSD, the average service time for any I/O request although running a backup remains below 20 ms.


During the very same trials with the exact same web server, this time installed out utilizing HDDs, efficiency was much reduced. During the server backup process, the standard service time for any I/O calls fluctuated between 400 and 500 ms.

7. Backup Rates


Yet another real–life development is the speed at which the back–up has been created. With SSDs, a server data backup currently can take no more than 6 hours using’s web server–enhanced software.


Throughout the years, we have got made use of primarily HDD drives on our web servers and we are knowledgeable of their performance. On a web server designed with HDD drives, a complete hosting server backup normally takes about 20 to 24 hours.

Our Linux VPS hosting and also our standard Linux cloud hosting accounts offer SSD drives by default. Be part of our family, to see how we can assist you to help your site.

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